Turns out these are really fun! It takes the pressure off having to write a recipe down, or come up with flowery prose. It’s just a photo. Full stop. I love it.
This is what I had for breakfast today, with the added surprise bonus of a boyfriend working from home: eggs, softly scrambled in bacon fat, with thyme leaves and radish pesto. Chocolate croissants with French press coffee rounded out this very French petit déjeuner.
I know, eggs and chocolate don’t really go together; but I ran out of all other types of bread. It was fine eaten in stages: first the eggs, then the croissant. Both were delightful with the coffee.
Curious minds need to know what Radish pesto is. Is it the leaves or the root? It looks like leaves to me…
Mimi: Good eye! I was on a radish kick for a bit, and used the leaves to make this radish leaf pesto. It’s a peppery take on the traditional basil mixture, and really quite good. Just take care to wash the leaves thoroughly before using; I always seem to get a little grit in there no matter what. Mmm, radishes…
Thanks Beth! I’ll have to try it. I sautee’d the greens for the first time awhile back and found them surprisingly mild. I’m not sure they wowed me as a cooked veggie, but I’m willing to give them another chance. 😀