It’s still Summer! I don’t know why, but this year, I’ve been expecting the balmy weather to give out aaaaaany minute now.
But enough about that. I made sandwiches, designed especially for eating in a park.

The main ingredients: some quality meat, some bitchin’ mustard, and arugula.
Left the bread untoasted, because good crusty bread is difficult enough in a sandwich without turning the crust into jagged shards that destroy the roof of your mouth.
I happened to be out of mayonnaise, so I used butter instead. It’s a British thing. Still feels kinda weird.

The order of things in a sandwich is crucial to me. Vegetables never go under meat. Meat is the anchor. Cheese goes in between.

However, in the case of this arugula, I had to put one layer of meat on top to hold it onto the sandwich. This almost killed me.

At picnics, the squished-to-death sandwich at the bottom is always the best. Wrap your sandwiches well, and press them. Let them rest under a heavy cutting board for a bit. Squeeze them. Step on them. Whatever it takes.
Remember that quality bread (like this) will resist being squished. Less-ideal bread will give up the ghost almost immediately.

In a perfect world, I would’ve also put a li’l olive salad on this sandwich, ersatz muffaletta style. It is not a perfect world, and it was getting dark.
Still, it was just right.

Oh my god, do you really think I'm giving you a recipe for sandwiches? You do not need a recipe for sandwiches.
- Bread
- Sandwich filling
1. Put the sandwich filling on the bread.
2. Sandwich!
Love the post, lol!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for not giving me a sammich recipe. The pictures speak volumes!
I found you originally when I was looking for a pain au lait recipe. Your lovely wee rolls from that Chicago restaurant came up, and I really appreciated your thoughtful writing style. I’m going to use the basic formula–and will certainly link to your post–for the rolls, but I won’t do the rolling and folding as I’m going to make a loaf rather than rolls (rolls though one day, for sure).
I’m exploring the tangzhong technique of making a water roux with some of the flour and water in the formula, and I thought milk bread would be a great place to start.
I’m glad I followed you over here to One Hundred Eggs–very happy to see that you’re still blogging, even after Bread a Day came to an end.
Lovely to meet you. =)
Jenni Fields Pastry Chef Online featured this in a FB post and it looks terrific. However, being the bread pig that I am, I have already been to your Bread A Day site and it is heaven and I haven’t even read much of it! Thank you, thank you, thank you from all the bread lovers everywhere!